Thursday, March 26, 2009

Confession time--again!

My name is Becky and I am a nerd.

It feels so good to get that off my chest.

Actually I doubt that was a shocking confession for anyone...

but I felt I had to be honest.

I love books!

I love to read!

I read 1.5 books a week on a slow week.

I go to the library once a week-unless I can get enough books to last me longer---

I have a stack of books on my night stand, a stack in a basket downstairs and a book case full of books that I own.

I love reading kids books-I pick out books for Morgan just so I can read them to her.

Last week I read Koby's books before he read them.

When I find a book that I really like-I will re-read it. In fact I have some books I have read a dozen times. (it's amazing that the endings never change!)

Sometimes I will read the end of the book just to decide if I want to read it.

This one is pretty embarrassing---sometimes I will just look at my bookshelf and run my fingers over all the spines. I love the feel of books! I know... I am really messed up!

Yesterday I was talking to one of my friends and we started talking about books. I am embarrassed to say that I went home and picked out three books off my shelf and took them to her house about 15 minutes later. I hope she likes them! Sorry Emily I am totally a book nerd! And though I trust Emily with my books in a few weeks I will have a strong desire to read the one's she has and I will miss them!

So to sum this up-I am a book addict and I don't even want to get help! (unless help is in the form of book recommendations- I will take them!)


BeckyAndGirls said...

I have found my true soulmate. YOU! I LOVE books too.
We're sick.

Jenny said...

Gee, I have no idea what you're talking about. I don't have that same love of books...ha ha! That's why I usually have one with me most of the time!

Jen said...

That is great! I love passions that are not typical. I think it brings such a balance to a overscrapbooked, crafting and toll painting Utah. You know there are beautiful people out there with other talents! Book reading is one of them. Keep it up. I'll ask you the next time I get a reading bug. You are great! Jen

Em and Jorg said...

You are the coolest nerd ever! I feel very special to be the recipient of some of your best book friends! I shall treat them nicely and get them to you before you shed too many tears over their absence.

I love this post. It cracked me up! I see myself in some of what you were saying. I especially love childrens books too! And I'm glad you won't be seeking any help about your addiction :)

Kris said...

Your confessions are so funny! You'll have to share with me some of your favorite books and authors. I'm always looking for a good book to read.

Cute pictures (as always) of your kids helping out at your parents farm!

Deborah said...

YES! We need to have a book discussion. When I'm reading a book, it takes over my whole being. I'm in a fog; everything I do and say is done with the main character or my favorite character in mind. I think, how would he/she do or say that? It's like I'm possessed or something!!! I'm really only happy if I can get it done in a 24 hour period. I have to limit my reading for those very reasons. Anyway, yes, let's talk. I need new ideas!!

Sachiko said...

I'm glad to hear you are a nerd too. I'm a sewing nerd! Being a nerd is a good thing. We march to the beat of our own drum.

liz taylor said...

Thanks for the warning. I know. After that, I was quite concerned about it. I guess we will wait and see!