Thursday, July 23, 2009

The protector

Here is a little interesting fact about my Steve. You may think it makes him a little weird but it is also very sweet. Anyway...

Steve has to be the last person to go to bed in our home. He has too-no matter how tired he is. The other night I was reading in bed and when he came to bed around 12:30, I told him I wasn't quite ready to go to sleep-wanted to read for a bit longer. I told him he could go ahead and get in bed and I would go downstairs to read. He said, naw I'll just go watch tv for a little longer until you are ready to go to sleep.

Part of me wants to tease him mercilessly about this-ya know keep him up until all hours of the night-just cause I have the power. But the other part of me thinks that it is so very sweet that he takes his job as protector of our family so seriously. He just can't relax until he knows that we are all safe in our beds.

I love you sweetie! Thanks for loving us enough to keep us safe!

Tuesday, July 21, 2009


Over the weekend we got to go camping up SF canyon. It was a lot of fun-a bit hot at times but very nice to get away. This is about half of us.

Here are Koby and Morgan just hanging out at our campsite!

Steve-my fisherman-really didn't want his pictures taken, can ya tell?

My grandma also came-my aunt Patsy put the bandana on her to help her be cool-not sure if she meant temperature wise or stylish-wise! Grandma Shelley, Patsy & CaMarley. AKA the wild biker gang!

We spent ALOT of time playing in the water-it was fun and the cool water helped prevent us from melting.

More water pics...

Morgan fell down in the mud on the way back-she was pretty unhappy! My first reaction was to run and comfort her but my dear husband suggested I take the picture first. She was ok as soon as the mud was washed off.

Sorry this is so long-I bet you will be happy to know that I didn't post every single picture I took!

Temple trip

Two weekends ago Steve, Koby, Morgan and I got to go to the Oquirrh Mountain Utah Temple for the open house. We had a great time-what a beautiful temple!
I knew that we couldn't take pictures inside so I just left the camera in the car-all the pictures are taken inside the car that day!

Friday, July 17, 2009


Last night we got to have dinner with my brothers and their wives-each brother only has one wife but---anyway!

Rick and Tara had to meet someone in Springville so we also got a visit. They came over and hung out with us until dinner time when Matt, Mindy and Peyton came too. It was a lot of fun!

After we ate we played a game and then went outside. Rick had brought his mitt and wanted to play catch with Koby and Steve.

Yep you heard right, my brother the quadriplegic, was playing catch!

Last week when my kids were visiting the grandparents, Koby got to play catch with Rick and he told me how cool it was. Rick even pitched to him. Koby said that was the best part of the whole week. That is saying a lot since Papa let him drive the truck all week-just on the farm, of course!

It was really amazing to see it first hand. Rick throws far more accurately than I can. I didn't remember to pull out the camera though. But if you want to see Rick's awesomeness just check out their blog.

It has been almost 1 1/2 years since Rick's accident and every single prayer that our family says includes us asking for blessings for Rick's recovery. Last night I realized that I don't thank my Heavenly Father nearly enough for all of the wonderful miracles that Rick has already received. He is so much stronger and can do a ton of things for himself. Rick even flexed his re-growing muscles for us! He is such an amazing example to everyone around him. Thanks Rick for sharing all of your miracles with us! We love you!

Tuesday, July 7, 2009

Summer time fun!

Thanks to Steve's brother Kevin for the "hitchhiker", Morgan loves it! That may become the new bribery tool.

Morgan insists on buckling in any of her little friends that ride in the car with us. Here she is buckling in Annabelle her cow.
Steve's tomatoes: I only planted one tomato plant because Steve is the only one in our family that likes them. After they were planted our dog ate most of the plant so we were worried that we would end up with nothing-but there are about 6 green tomatoes on this one plant!

Matt and Morgan hanging out-waiting for the food to be ready.
Cute cute Peyton!
Two more goofy-pics! Me and then William!

Happy Birthday Honey!

Yesterday was Steve's birthday and I am so glad that he is alive and part of my life. I love you Steve!

Thursday, July 2, 2009

Take me out to the ball game...

Isn't my ball player so handsome? Check out that killer smile!
On deck

Good eye Koby! Even though this is a terrible picture of Koby-I love how the ump is flinching-I think he was afraid of the ball.

On base

Morgan (Koby's biggest fan)

Morgan was posing for all the pictures and then she would have to look at them after. With this picture she looked at it and said, "I look like a dude in that one!" I hope dudes are not wearing princess necklaces, pink shorts and a flowered shirt!

Wednesday, July 1, 2009

Whew...time to take a breath!

Lately my life has been so busy and so crazy-thus the crazy busy look that is always on my face. For the past two months we have had plans every weekend and on average 5.5 nights of the week. Now that June is over we are keeping our calendar clear-we don't have any plans to go out of town for a while. YEAH! And our weeknights should be free soon too. Well at least more of them.

Koby finished his basketball clinic on Monday. Tonight is the last night of Koby's baseball-although it's sad that the season is nearly over, it's nice to have a break from sports. We should have about 1.5 months until Koby starts football and Morgan starts soccer. Morgan wants to do dance again too but we'll have to see what our schedules will allow-then our crazy hectic looks will return.

I am mostly settled into my new office at work. I now have two desks and so I have my stuff scattered/divided into two work stations-that's been quite a pain but I'll live with it. I did end up with a brand new computer and huge 22 inch monitor to help me feel better!

So here is to July-a month filled with bar-b-ques, fireworks, parades, picnics and lazy summer fun!