Thursday, November 19, 2009

Gratitude journal

Anyone who knows me very well, knows that I love Thanksgiving. It is my very favorite holiday. I know that Christmas is great and the reason behind it (Jesus Christ) is much more important but Thanksgiving fills me with more love and peace than Christmas does. And because I love this holiday I am going to share a month of gratitude with you-30 items I am grateful for, representing 30 days of November.

1.Heavenly Father-he is always there for me, he understands & loves me unconditionally. He grants me all of the other blessings that I have in my life.

2.Jesus Christ-my loving older brother that has suffered for my sins and sorrows and has been the best example of what I should become.

3.Steve-my sweet, wonderful, loving, handsome, thoughtful, funny husband. I love him so much and am grateful for the opportunity to build a life with him each day. His love and patience for me is like a giant life preserver. I never thought I could be loved and cherished so much by one person.

4.Koby-the best son a mother could ever hope for. He is generous, handsome, loving, brilliant, thoughtful and deeply spiritual. He brings joy and love into our home. He saved me from a life of pain and sorrow. I am so glad that I get the chance to have him in my life!

5.Morgan-my beautiful, sweet, loving princess has helped me to find the long-buried 'girly-girl' inside of me. Her singing and dancing brings a smile to my face every time. Her contagious smile is always present and her warm soft hugs bring joy to my heart.

6.My mom and dad-they have always been there for me, helped me become a stronger and better person. Their love and support has given me the desire to be a better parent.

7.My brothers and sisters-I love and appreciate them so much more today than while we were growing up. I like each of them and enjoy spending time with them. I feel like they will always 'have my back'.

8.The in-laws- how lucky I am to have such a great extended family surrond me and my family. We are so deeply loved!

9.Church-I love that I have a weekly reminder of who I want to become. The LDS church strengthens and uplifts me daily!

10.Our home-I love the feeling of being home and the safety and security it represents.

11.Our jobs-we are blessed with the ability to support ourselves.

12.Education-I love how easy it is to increase our knowledge informally as well as in the classroom.

13.BOOKS-love, love, love books!

14.Libraries-since I could not possibly afford to buy as many books as I read each week, nor the space to store them all!

15.Friends & Neighbors-it's a great feeling to be surrounded by people who care for you.

16.Internet-I love having information at my fingertips (I google everything!) and being able to keep in contact with people who live far away from me.



19.Good Child care providers-since I can't be a stay at home mom, I am glad that there are people out there who can provide the love and care to my children while I am away from them.

20.Teachers-one of the very self-less, unrewarding jobs that is important to the entire world.

21.Weekends-the chance to rejuvinate and spend time with my family

22.Holidays-a chance to forget the mundane and rejoice.


24.Nature, changing seasons, beautiful scenery

25.Photographs-a visual reminder of a moment in time



28.My health and that of my family

29.trials and challenges to help me draw closer to my Heavenly Father and to become a stronger, better person

30.My life-what a great blessing to be born in the right time, in the right place to have all the above blessings. Life is good and I am blessed!

And as a bonus-


Thursday, November 12, 2009

Morgan's 1st letter

Last night I helped Morgan write her first letter. She wrote to Zelia, her previous babysitter. She was very proud of her work. We will be dropping it in the mail today!

Elderly Mr. Zabriskie

For the past 4-6 weeks Steve has gotten a massive amount of mail from a particular group of advertisers. It seems as if they believe that Steve is in their target market. Here is a list of just a few of them...

1.AARP- now that he has reached the age of 65 they would love to have him become a member.

2.Retirement communities- he has plenty of options as he has gotten several invites!

3.Life insurance- it is not too late to protect those you will leave behind.

I keep telling Steve that he must have a secret "old life" that I don't know about. He doesn't find that funny...oh well. It serves him right-he often teases me because I am older than him-by 15 days! But I am not the one that advertisers think is 65! We did decide that if the government starts thinking he is old enough to retire we should go for it.

Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Fall 09 pictures

I have admitted it before but now I am showing you the proof, I am cheap!

A couple of weeks ago Koby was scheduled to get his school pictures done. I looked over the order form and figured that the package I would need would cost $39. WHOA! At that time I couldn't fork out 40 bucks for pictures of one member of our family. I told Koby that we would skip out on buying them this time but that I still wanted to get new pictures of him.

Days and weeks passed and finally we found a gap of time between work and a couple of activities and we made a mad dash for this beautiful spot located only a couple of miles from our home. I brought additional clothes, hair accessories and props and we spent about 30 minutes taking pictures. I think it was fun and they turned out pretty well. I will be selecting a few of the pictures and enlarging them for our home and a couple to share but even if I do spend $39, the pictures will be more than one pose and will have the whole family in some of them. So I think that's a pretty smart deal! The kids were great sports and let me take pictures until the sun almost dissapeared-so we rewarded them by letting them feed the ducks. It was a blast!

My beautiful kids...

Koby is 12 and Morgan is 4 1/2

More pictures

The whole family...

And yes the family picture was taken by me!

Monday, November 2, 2009

Halloween 2009

We had a great Halloween weekend. I didn't take too many pictures but here are the kids in their costumes this year. I was thrilled with Koby's because it was FREE-and of course he looked devilishly handsome as a man in black! Koby got to go with his friends, he is now way too old and cool to be seen trick-or-treating with his lame parents. Morgan enjoyed going with us though and she ended up with about 2x as much candy as Koby. Not sure if that is because Koby ate more or because everyone kept giving Morgan extra-she was an especially adorable little good witch. I hope you all had a great weekend as well...the holiday may be over but the candy will stay with us for weeks...or months depending on how much you ate and how long it takes to remove the extra candy bars from your backside!