Thursday, July 23, 2009

The protector

Here is a little interesting fact about my Steve. You may think it makes him a little weird but it is also very sweet. Anyway...

Steve has to be the last person to go to bed in our home. He has too-no matter how tired he is. The other night I was reading in bed and when he came to bed around 12:30, I told him I wasn't quite ready to go to sleep-wanted to read for a bit longer. I told him he could go ahead and get in bed and I would go downstairs to read. He said, naw I'll just go watch tv for a little longer until you are ready to go to sleep.

Part of me wants to tease him mercilessly about this-ya know keep him up until all hours of the night-just cause I have the power. But the other part of me thinks that it is so very sweet that he takes his job as protector of our family so seriously. He just can't relax until he knows that we are all safe in our beds.

I love you sweetie! Thanks for loving us enough to keep us safe!


Tanya said...

How endearing!

Jen said...

What kindness. I admire a man who wants to make sure his family is safe and comfortable. Love it.

Kris said...

What a sweet husband you have!

Sachiko said...

Such a sweet husband!

Jenny said...

Don't you just love little quirks like that! What a guy!