Wednesday, March 4, 2009

To cut or not to cut...

I am asking for your opinion and advise. Do you think that parents should decide on the length of their sons hair? I haven't decided what my firm opinion is. Do we just let him have it however he wants so that he has some control over his own life? So that he can make decisions for himself? Or do we force him to get his hair cut because we are the parents and we can? The whole 'live in my house, live by my rules' seems kinda ridiculous to me. I think I would rather pick my battles. But on the other hand I think he looks so much better with his hair cut. I get frustrated with his playing with his hair and I totally don't like the shaggy look. Steve thinks we should just make him cut his hair but Koby about cries when we mention it. What do you think is Koby's best look? Long or short?
long vs. short (notice Morgan sticking her head into the photo-she begged me to take another picture of just her-I did ofcourse.)


Unknown said...

Awe Man...that's such a tough one...I just went through a fraction of it with Brody...luckily he's too young for an oppinion! My little brother is 10 and is constantly battling with my mom to let it go shaggy...and they always seem to go back and forth...but the thing that seems to work for them is a deal...he can grow it out until...that way they both win! But what do I little boy freaks out if I even get his hair wet...whatever you decide I'm sure will be great! I agree with you though...Koby sure looks handsome with his hair cut short...I love especially the one by the Christmas tree! Course he's such a good look'n boy anyways...he shouldn't have to worry!

liz taylor said...

I love the short hair look, but good luck with whatever happens. The battles we parents have to fight.

BeckyAndGirls said...

I think you should let him choose this one. It's just hair. Save the battles for more important stuff. LOL

Jen said...

I agree that you have to let him decide. What is he going to do?...Grow it down his back? He will get sick of it at some point. There are ways to get him to decide to cut his hair. Tell him about all the women on your blog that think he is handsome with short hair. It's true, very handsome. He is about the age that he will start to care about that.