Thursday, March 5, 2009

Great day!

Yesterday Koby brought home a note from his teacher...


just kidding, of course Koby never gets in trouble at school! Actually because Koby scored so high on the state tests he was asked to join an enrichment class-they will meet once a week and it is supposed to challenge them. Koby said there are three kids from his class that get to go and ten total 5th graders-so out of all the fifth grade at his school he is one of the very smartest. He is pretty excited and I am definitely proud of him! Way to go Koby!

Last night Koby was at scouts and Steve was at the Jazz game so Morgan and I went out to dinner. We had so much fun! Morgan suggested a Chinese restaurant that I love. (and when we came in the waitress asked if I wanted the usual-I guess we go there far too often!)Morgan talked the entire time we were there and I was just amazed at all she had to tell me. It was great to see her as an interesting person and not just my little girl. My mind flashed forward 5, 10, 20 years. I hope that we can always go out and have fun together--I hope that when Morgan is a teenager she won't hate me so much that we won't be able to do girl bonding over Chinese food. I hope that after she is married that she will be able to find time to go out to lunch with her mom once in a while. And I hope that she remembers our time together with as much fondness as I do.


Sachiko said...

First, congratulations on Koby's achivement! He is such a smart boy.
Second of all, I feel the same way about my little girl. I hope we will have a good relationship, and that she will always know that she is loved. If she gives me an attitude in her teenage years, I will be sad....but maybe I can blog about it! :)

BeckyAndGirls said...

You are such a fantastic mom, Becky!

robana said...

way to go kob!!! we are sooo proud of you! Love ya tons

Morgan is far older than her 4 years. She is a great girl. Love ya tons gram