Tuesday, March 10, 2009

364 good days

This morning was awful! I really was ready to sit down and cry by about 9:15. Here's the play-by-play...

1.when we left home Koby slammed the door and broke our blinds
2.I thought I had left the curling iron on so I went back home to double check, it wasn't on
3. I was driving through an intersection-that had not been sanded or cleared at all!-I spun around, thankfully I didn't hit anything or anyone, but a mean police man gave me a ticket! He was very rude-said I was going too fast but I swear I wasn't going more than 5-10 mph-lots of other cars were swerving all over the road too! In fact I went slow enough that I made sure the car in front of me was two car lengths ahead.
4.One year ago today was when I got the call in the middle of the night about my brother's fall-so I was already emotional.

So I was throwing a huge pity party for myself and guess what my wonderfully sweet husband said...

I love you babe! At least you have 364 good days!

He is so right! In fact today is not so terrible. It's still a good day because I have so many great things going in my life, including you, Steve!


Sachiko said...

Oh you poor thing. Somedays are like that, huh. I have many days like that through out the year. Thankfully I have a short term memory and so they don't feel so bad.

What helps me is, I always have a husband willing to listen to me and comfort me. You and I are so lucky that have husbands like that.

:hugs: :)

Jenny said...

Ugghhhh! I hate those days too! That mean cop-I can't believe he would give you a ticket. If you're like me, if I had slid around through an intersection I would have already been scared to pieces and wouldn't need him to add to it! Hopefully tomorrow will be a better day!

robana said...

bummer. sorry you had such a bad day. I woke up at 3:00 am and started thinking where Rick was at that time. Started crying right then. Maybe it was because you put that phone call in my head. We got to go to dinner with R&T last night it was so nice. Have a good 364. love ya tons