Tuesday, January 25, 2011

You want me to pee in that?!

This post may be TMI but it's also a bit funny. Read with caution!

For just over a month now Morgan has been having health problems. Weird health problems-she is completely fine and then she gets a fever for a couple of days. Then we think everything is fine and the fever comes back again. This has happened 5 times since Christmas eve. We have now been to the dr's office 3 times. She has been diagnosed with cold/flu,& ear infection but those are now clear and still the fever. In desperation I called the doctor and asked if we could do a urine test to look for any infection there.

I was not in my peak performance as a mother and therefore I neglected to prepare Morgan for what a urine sample required. Give me a break, I am very sleep deprived due to taking care of Morgan in the middle of the night, being pregnant and now I also have a cold!

Anyway she freaked out! She was so upset when I explained what she needed to do. She cried, ranted & raved. Steve said he heard her out in the hall yell, "Why do I have to pee in that thing?" We tried for about 10 minutes without receiving a drop. Finally I asked if we could collect the sample at home and bring it in. She had about 3.5 hours at home to complete her task. Let me just say more drama, complaining and moaning. "WHY? Why do you have to do this to me!?"

Finally after the 3.5 hours had expired and the lab was closed, she came out of the bathroom with a triumphant smile and said, "I PEED!"

This morning she was again upset because she didn't want everyone to have to see her pee. How embarrassing! The test came back clean so our next step is blood tests-I am planning to do a better job preparing her and am already thinking of things to bribe her with.

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