Thursday, January 27, 2011

More of Morgan's medical drama

I took Morgan into the doctor yesterday to have her blood drawn. Talk about a whole soap opera. She was so mad that I was making her do this that she refused to sit by me in the lobby while waiting for our turn. She sat on the other side of the room and turned her back to me. Whenever I tried to talk to her she would just say, "I'm mad!"

As soon as they took us into the room she started getting a little teary. When the nurse just looked at her arm to find a good vein she started crying. She didn't stop until after her arm was bandaged. She finally forgave me after I bought her some mini powdered donuts.

She didn't take off the bandages until she was able to brag about them to her friends. She told them all that she had to have a shot but it was a baby needle so it wasn't too bad. When I told her that she didn't have a shot but that they took out some of her blood she wanted to know when they were going to put it back in.

Considering all of these new weird things that she is having to do I understand why she is nervous and even upset. I just hope that we are able to figure out the problem and stop living in this drama.

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