Friday, June 26, 2009


I have been wanting to write a blog about fathers but I have been way too things are in enough order that I can take a few minutes to blog.

Steve-the father of my children

When I met Steve I was a single mother of five year old Koby. Steve was so great with him--and still is. Steve would play cars with Koby, watch movies and just be buddies with him. He also taught Koby how to ride a bike without training wheels. Steve even had Koby help him propose to me. It was very sweet and romantic but that's a story for another day. While Steve and I were engaged Koby had a hard time knowing what to call Steve and we left the choice up to him. But, the moment we walked out of the temple after our wedding Koby started calling Steve dad and has never gone back. Steve has been a typical sports dad to Koby-he goes to all the games, paces the sidelines and then they hash over the game later. Steve never calls Koby his 'step-son' it's always 'Koby, my son'. Later came our little princess Morgan and boy does she have her daddy wrapped around her little finger. I am so blessed to have Steve be the father to my children and we are so grateful for him. Love you Steve!

Robert-my dad
I always thought of my dad as the big strong manly type. As a farmer he has worked very hard his entire life-his children also had to. But dad always joined in when we played too. We could often persuade him to play softball or a game of horse on the bball court. Both of my parents were very supportive and came to 95% of our sporting events, plays, performances etc. As his grandchildren have come along I realized that he isn't a big manly man-well I guess he kinda is but boy is he a softie with them. I have seen him hold dolls for his granddaughters, read stories and get down on the floor and play with them. Koby is his only grandson (so far...) and they have a very special bond. He had Koby driving the tractor by age 3(-Honest! He did have assistance though). Thanks Dad for being a great father and awesome grandfather. We love you!

PS- I am also very blessed to have an awesome father-in-law and grandfathers but I am out of time and space...

1 comment:

Deborah said...

What a great post, Becky. Steve is a good guy and you are a wonderful family.