Monday, June 15, 2009

Lazy days of summer?

It has been 'summer' semester at UVU for one and a half months, Koby has been out of school for two weeks now and it seems like the summer is already half over. I am still waiting for our lives to slow down. We seem to be running so much faster lately. If not faster definitely putting more effort into running in place.

Koby has two more baseball games and then the tournament. His games and practices have kept us busy since the first part of May. So even though we love watching Koby play ball it will be so nice to have the season over. He is going to a basketball clinic twice a week-thanks to a very kind neighbor giving him rides. He also has scouts thrown in just to avoid getting bored during the summer. He and Steve have a campout coming up soon.(that means another girls night for Morgan and I!)

We have also been busy every weekend with family reunions, trips/mini-vacations, the ward camp out, 5k race, helping my grandma, etc. One of these weekends soon we are going to get to stay home and just veg out-no plans, no need to rush off anywhere. I think it would be great to have a couple of days where we didn't even have to get into the car. What a dream huh?

Work for me has also been crazy. This time of year is always super busy for me-it's the end of our budget year so I stay busy spending down, reconciling accounts and cleaning up all of the budgets. This year we are also throwing a move into the mess. Next week we will be moving to our new office. Moving is never fun! It will be nice once the actual moving part is over!

There is still about two months of summer left and I am hoping that I can fit in a couple of lazy summer days-I've heard that they are pretty awesome...though I might have to schedule them in!

1 comment:

Jen said...

I know what you mean, summer is just going way too fast. It's been fun having the kids play together- Can't wait for the scout camp either. I think Trevor is going as well, so we should get the kids together:)