Monday, October 20, 2008

10-20 teenage years???

Ok so I have decided that both of my kids are already experts at acting like teenagers. I don't know if that means that I end up getting 10 years of teenage attitude from Koby and another 17 years of drama from Morgan or if they are just advanced kids and are getting it out of the way now.

My dear sweet Koby is almost 11 but he has already perfected the eye roll. Ya know the one. It's where the kid looks at you like you have three heads and that you know absolutely nothing, then they make this disgusted sound like "hmpff" and rolls not only the eyes but the entire head. I know I don't do that so where did he learn it? And how did he become an expert so quickly? I wonder if there is a special class at school-I mean he has always excelled in school so maybe that is it. And suddenly I have hit an all time record for being the lamest person on earth. I didn't realize it could happen just overnight without any changes made on my part. I mean I didn't suddenly start wearing high water pants or duck tape my glasses.

Then I have a sweet angel-faced daughter named Morgan. Boy can she bring on the drama! I swear she can't only be 3! Her clothes have to be just right-she talks about what matches and how she just has to wear a certain skirt or whatever and if not, well then the world will actually spin off its axis and we may all die. When Koby was pouting the other day she told him that he needed to just chill out! With all of the ups and downs with her emotions you would think she was in the dead center of raging hormones.

Now I have to say that I do love my children both so much. They give me so much love and their hugs are the greatest! My life would be so empty without them. Every once in a while we have the most perfect moment where it all seems worth it and I love being a mom-I guess I just need to remember those days when I am getting yelled at and the eye roll on a regular basis.

I also need to add one more thing-Mom and Dad I am so sorry for being a brat-thanks for letting me live through it. I hope that the torment of teenage years was all worth it in the end. Ofcourse I did give you grandchildren...


Deborah said...

Wow, that sounds like my house. Isn't it amazing what we as parents go through?! YOU are a great mother, Becky. Keep up the good work!

Sachiko said...

I know what you mean; but everytime I go check on them at night, an overwhelming sense of gratitude comes over me. I guess that's what keeps me going.

Tanya said...

Very funny!! I can relate. We get the same sounds and head movements at our house. Surely WE never did that as children...
Cheers :)

BeckyAndGirls said...

From personal experience with raising 4 daughers...PMS begins at 18 months! And never lets up!

Good luck to you...we'll get through this together LOL