Thursday, September 25, 2008

One more dull day...

I remember back when I was single, working full-time and going to college and how I stupidly thought, once I finish school my life won't be nearly so busy. Well let me give you a taste of how busy I really am now.

I got off work early yesterday so I could get everything done so I only worked for 5 hours instead of 8. We ate dinner early and then Koby had football practice at the same time Morgan had dance. Morgan loved her class and it was sure fun to watch 3-4 year olds try to hold still long enough to learn anything. Morgan finished her class before Koby's game started so Steve, Morgan and I went for a walk on the river trail by the high school. Then we watched Koby's football game. I tried to take pictures of Koby playing football but our camera does not zoom well and also Koby won't hold still long enough! The one close up picture his friend jumped in front of him and Koby just walked off. I had to leave early so that I could get to a visiting teaching appointment. As soon as I was done I hurried home and we got Morgan to bed. During all of the down time we worked on laundry, cleaning the house, dishes, etc. Boy talk about a very un-busy life!
Football...In the huddle Koby is always the one in the center that is squatting down.

Haven't you heard of layering? Morgan wasn't happy that I made her dress warmer because of the temp and the misquitos so she decided to keep on her skirt and t-shirt! The others are pictures from our walk-Morgan loves to have her picture taken.

Morgan has been having night terrors almost every night so that has been really fun for me. She usually wakes up screaming about an hour after she falls asleep. If I don't go to her immediately it takes a very long time to calm her down and if I hurry it only takes 10-15 minutes to get her to settle down and go back to sleep. I don't think she is really awake because she acts like a zombie. Morgan is always drenched in sweat, shaking and crying so hard. In the morning she can't even remember it but I sure do! My baby is terrified and I don't know why! If anyone has any suggestions please let me know what to do.


Kris said...

I love Morgan's choice of clothes. Very cute! I'm so sorry that you are having to deal with her having night terrors. I wish I had some great words of wisdom for you, but I really know nothing about them. Good luck and I hope you find something that helps her. The poor little thing!

Jen said...

Becky, I remember Tyler having night terrors and how horrible they were. We undressed him several times thinking something must have bit him or something, only to find nothing. It got so bad that we actually viedo taped it for the MD. The two pieces of advise they gave us was to give him a little melatonin before bed to help regulate his cycles and not let him get overtired. He has always struggled with sleep issues so the melatonin has worked well for him. I know they say not to touch them unless they are going to hurt themselves, however, I just thought that was too crule in most situations. Not fun, I know!!! Please let me know if you need a nap or anything. Jen

Jen said...

Our Bishop does hypnosis, (not as Bishop, but for his job) he has helped kids with night terrors and bed wetting. Maybe that is an avenue to take.