I am not sure why but I love pictures of winding trails through trees. During our walk I saw this perfect photo op so we ran to the car and got the camera. By then the sun had gone down a bit but it was still beautiful to me!
Thursday, September 25, 2008
Fall pictures
I am not sure why but I love pictures of winding trails through trees. During our walk I saw this perfect photo op so we ran to the car and got the camera. By then the sun had gone down a bit but it was still beautiful to me!
One more dull day...
I remember back when I was single, working full-time and going to college and how I stupidly thought, once I finish school my life won't be nearly so busy. Well let me give you a taste of how busy I really am now.
I got off work early yesterday so I could get everything done so I only worked for 5 hours instead of 8. We ate dinner early and then Koby had football practice at the same time Morgan had dance. Morgan loved her class and it was sure fun to watch 3-4 year olds try to hold still long enough to learn anything. Morgan finished her class before Koby's game started so Steve, Morgan and I went for a walk on the river trail by the high school. Then we watched Koby's football game. I tried to take pictures of Koby playing football but our camera does not zoom well and also Koby won't hold still long enough! The one close up picture his friend jumped in front of him and Koby just walked off. I had to leave early so that I could get to a visiting teaching appointment. As soon as I was done I hurried home and we got Morgan to bed. During all of the down time we worked on laundry, cleaning the house, dishes, etc. Boy talk about a very un-busy life!
Football...In the huddle Koby is always the one in the center that is squatting down.

Haven't you heard of layering? Morgan wasn't happy that I made her dress warmer because of the temp and the misquitos so she decided to keep on her skirt and t-shirt! The others are pictures from our walk-Morgan loves to have her picture taken.

Morgan has been having night terrors almost every night so that has been really fun for me. She usually wakes up screaming about an hour after she falls asleep. If I don't go to her immediately it takes a very long time to calm her down and if I hurry it only takes 10-15 minutes to get her to settle down and go back to sleep. I don't think she is really awake because she acts like a zombie. Morgan is always drenched in sweat, shaking and crying so hard. In the morning she can't even remember it but I sure do! My baby is terrified and I don't know why! If anyone has any suggestions please let me know what to do.
I got off work early yesterday so I could get everything done so I only worked for 5 hours instead of 8. We ate dinner early and then Koby had football practice at the same time Morgan had dance. Morgan loved her class and it was sure fun to watch 3-4 year olds try to hold still long enough to learn anything. Morgan finished her class before Koby's game started so Steve, Morgan and I went for a walk on the river trail by the high school. Then we watched Koby's football game. I tried to take pictures of Koby playing football but our camera does not zoom well and also Koby won't hold still long enough! The one close up picture his friend jumped in front of him and Koby just walked off. I had to leave early so that I could get to a visiting teaching appointment. As soon as I was done I hurried home and we got Morgan to bed. During all of the down time we worked on laundry, cleaning the house, dishes, etc. Boy talk about a very un-busy life!
Football...In the huddle Koby is always the one in the center that is squatting down.

Haven't you heard of layering? Morgan wasn't happy that I made her dress warmer because of the temp and the misquitos so she decided to keep on her skirt and t-shirt! The others are pictures from our walk-Morgan loves to have her picture taken.

Morgan has been having night terrors almost every night so that has been really fun for me. She usually wakes up screaming about an hour after she falls asleep. If I don't go to her immediately it takes a very long time to calm her down and if I hurry it only takes 10-15 minutes to get her to settle down and go back to sleep. I don't think she is really awake because she acts like a zombie. Morgan is always drenched in sweat, shaking and crying so hard. In the morning she can't even remember it but I sure do! My baby is terrified and I don't know why! If anyone has any suggestions please let me know what to do.
Tuesday, September 16, 2008
New Trick
Who says you can't teach an old dog new tricks??? Thanks to Kris for the tip on how to do this. It was so fun to use, that I played with the same pictures I posted yesterday and am now posting them again.

I did take these pictures this past weekend. If I was a better photographer I would have been able to get both kids to smile at the same time. Look for part 2 later in October when we go back to take more pictures after the leaves have started changing colors! My kids are going to feel like professional models after all the pictures I take...I just hope they don't start acting like divas.

I did take these pictures this past weekend. If I was a better photographer I would have been able to get both kids to smile at the same time. Look for part 2 later in October when we go back to take more pictures after the leaves have started changing colors! My kids are going to feel like professional models after all the pictures I take...I just hope they don't start acting like divas.
Monday, September 15, 2008
Friday, September 12, 2008
Is it really bragging?
My kids are just amazing and if I say that and give examples is it really bragging? I think not!
First my super football star...Koby is playing flag football again this year. He is so great. He loves to dart past the defensive line and steal the flag from anyone who has the ball. His speed has improved so much since just last year and his endurance too-I think we can attribute that to him running a mile everyday for school. During Koby's last game he played almost the entire time and did great-they won 13-0. I have noticed that when Koby is on defense he is always stuck guarding the biggest, heaviest kid but he just keeps bumping them which gives the QB time to pass or run. Look at his pictures to be reminded of just how skinny he is!
Morgan can now write her name! We have been working on writing it for about a week now and she can do most of it by herself. She does call the G, "the one with a long tail", but hey atleast we know what she means. The other night Steve and I were upstairs in our room talking and Morgan came in too. I had asked her to do something and Steve said after that you can make me a sandwich for my lunch. HAHA right? Well about an hour later Steve asked me whose sandwich is this sitting on the counter? I went in and looked and we both remembered him asking Morgan to make it for him. She used three pieces of bread-two on one side and folded a piece of meat in half and stuck it between the bread. It was so funny! What an obedient daughter.
For some reason Koby has really been obsessed with his hair-he wanted it long and it was getting to the point where it was in his eyes and poking into his ears. I picked him up yesterday after work and told him that he needed to prepare himself because he was getting a haircut. I understand about letting him have some freedom to choose but school pictures are next week and this weekend we are going into the canyon to take pictures too. We talked to the lady that cut his hair and explained our dilemna-I like his hair short, he likes it long and we needed a compromise. I was okay with any length as long as it didn't look so shaggy. She actually cut it much shorter than I even intended but Koby actually likes it and so we didn't end up fighting like I figured we would. Whew...just so much drama over hair!!!
I have been in a crafty mood lately, I have made a few things for Christmas already. I can't even post pictures of most of it because I am planning to give them to some of the people who read my blog. It is driving Steve crazy because he just thinks it is way too early to think about the holidays, and yet I am the opposite and I want to plan ahead and get things done so I can enjoy the holidays. Oh well we have had several Christmas' together and we are still speaking so it must turn out ok in the end! =)
First my super football star...Koby is playing flag football again this year. He is so great. He loves to dart past the defensive line and steal the flag from anyone who has the ball. His speed has improved so much since just last year and his endurance too-I think we can attribute that to him running a mile everyday for school. During Koby's last game he played almost the entire time and did great-they won 13-0. I have noticed that when Koby is on defense he is always stuck guarding the biggest, heaviest kid but he just keeps bumping them which gives the QB time to pass or run. Look at his pictures to be reminded of just how skinny he is!
Morgan can now write her name! We have been working on writing it for about a week now and she can do most of it by herself. She does call the G, "the one with a long tail", but hey atleast we know what she means. The other night Steve and I were upstairs in our room talking and Morgan came in too. I had asked her to do something and Steve said after that you can make me a sandwich for my lunch. HAHA right? Well about an hour later Steve asked me whose sandwich is this sitting on the counter? I went in and looked and we both remembered him asking Morgan to make it for him. She used three pieces of bread-two on one side and folded a piece of meat in half and stuck it between the bread. It was so funny! What an obedient daughter.
For some reason Koby has really been obsessed with his hair-he wanted it long and it was getting to the point where it was in his eyes and poking into his ears. I picked him up yesterday after work and told him that he needed to prepare himself because he was getting a haircut. I understand about letting him have some freedom to choose but school pictures are next week and this weekend we are going into the canyon to take pictures too. We talked to the lady that cut his hair and explained our dilemna-I like his hair short, he likes it long and we needed a compromise. I was okay with any length as long as it didn't look so shaggy. She actually cut it much shorter than I even intended but Koby actually likes it and so we didn't end up fighting like I figured we would. Whew...just so much drama over hair!!!
I have been in a crafty mood lately, I have made a few things for Christmas already. I can't even post pictures of most of it because I am planning to give them to some of the people who read my blog. It is driving Steve crazy because he just thinks it is way too early to think about the holidays, and yet I am the opposite and I want to plan ahead and get things done so I can enjoy the holidays. Oh well we have had several Christmas' together and we are still speaking so it must turn out ok in the end! =)
Monday, September 8, 2008
Happy Birthday Tara!
Tara I hope that you have a great birthday and that Rick spoils you like crazy. I think you are so awesome. I love that you love my brother so much. You are my hero! You have handled so much this year with grace and style-and even with a smile, but more importantly with faith. I haven't stopped believing that you are a superhero. We love you and are so glad that you are a part of our family!

I don't think I have any pictures of you without Rick so oh well.
I don't think I have any pictures of you without Rick so oh well.
Wednesday, September 3, 2008
Crazy girl!
Morgan is such a strange little girl. She is really into "doing her homework" now. I bought her a workbook for preschoolers and so we have been working on near & far, many & few, same & different, colors, numbers etc. In the video you can see what a mean mom I am! (don't forget to pause the music so you can hear it all-sorry about the direction of the video-one day I will get it!)
These are some pictures of my funny little princess-the first one is what I found when I checked to see if she was washing the table like I asked her to. The second is her idea of having a party for her babies-she spread about 15 blankets throughout our living room.

More pictures of my adorable kids...I love you my crazy little princess-and yes she is definately a princess!

These are some pictures of my funny little princess-the first one is what I found when I checked to see if she was washing the table like I asked her to. The second is her idea of having a party for her babies-she spread about 15 blankets throughout our living room.
More pictures of my adorable kids...I love you my crazy little princess-and yes she is definately a princess!
Skater boy
My yard boy
When we bought our home, Steve told me that the yard would be his domain. I figured that meant that he would mow the lawn, but it is like the man is obsessed with our yard! He talks to the neighbors about their yards, he compares the whole neighborhood, he talks to his dad about what he can do to improve it and does research on the Internet. I actually think its kinda cute. Not only does Steve mow the lawn, he waters it faithfully, he uses fertilizer, and our yard looks fabulous! He even took over taking care of my flowers-though he did pull some flowers in the spring thinking they were weeds. Here are pictures of our wonderful yard and all praise should go to my very own yard boy! Love you babe!

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