Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Sleepy, but in a good way

I adore my Maylee! She is so sweet and adorable and so much fun, which is very good because for the past two weeks she has not been sleeping well-which means I am not sleeping well. I am not sure if it's because she is growing so fast that her little tummy is feeling empty every couple of hours or if it's just this cold that has hit everyone in our family. Either way, despite going to bed earlier and sleeping in way too late in the mornings, I am exhausted.

Last night I was up with Maylee at about 2AM, I was trying to get her to fall back to sleep, but it wasn't going very well. She was perfectly content to sleep in my arms but as soon as I laid her down she was awake and crying. So I was sitting in the rocking chair, my eyes were most likely barely open, mere slits I am sure. Maylee was nestled in my arms just looking up at me with her huge brown eyes. After moments of gazing at me, she reached up and removed the pacifier from her mouth, stretched out her body and plopped that binkie into my mouth. Then she giggled. Despite my weariness, my eyes popped open a bit wider and I couldn't help but smile around that pacifier that was jutting out of my mouth. We played the little game a half a dozen times and then she snuggled in a bit deeper, kept the paci in her mouth and dozed off to sleep. And then my desire for sleep dimmed a bit and I just watched her sleep for a few minutes longer.

So even though I NEED more sleep, I have to remember that these moments in the middle of the night with my baby will be gone soon and she will be grown up and too big for cuddles with me. She will think I am uncool and embarrassing and these moments of quiet one-on-one time where I am the world to her, will be gone. So I will do my best to remember to cherish my sleepless nights.


Jerilyn said...

ohhhh... SO cute!!

Anonymous said...

What a cutie! I have to remember to cherish those moments too. Of course, having an adorable baby always makes it a little easier to wake up in the middle of the night, doesn't it? :)