Monday, August 15, 2011

Maylee is 5 months old!

(Check out those huge beautiful eyes & eyelashes!)
Our sweet little Maylee is 5 months old all ready! Here are a few things that we love about her:

* Always has a beautiful smile on her face! She is such a happy baby-she doesn't cry much. If you show her just a tiny bit of attention she usually laughs or shares her huge smile!
* Huge brown eyes-she is so alert and attentive to everything around her. She hates to be laid down or snuggled into you unless she is super tired because then she can't see what is going on.

* The most contagious adorable laugh, we all work at getting her to giggle because it's so cute!

*cooing/talking-Morgan is always trying to be our interpreter and let us know exactly what she is saying.

*Sitting up-she has great balance until she reaches for a toy and topples over but she is quite steady!

* Food-oh what a challenge! She hates rice cereal and once I bring the spoon to her lips she instantly clenches her lip and then blows a raspberry-guess who needs a bath after each meal? And it's not just Maylee! We have also tried green peas-no go and carrots-not too happy about it but at least she doesn't act like she is gagging on it!

*Maylee loves to play with toys and sit up in her excer-saucer and her high chair.

We are so blessed to have this wonderful baby girl in our family! We love you sweet Maylee!

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