Wednesday, August 24, 2011

1st day of school...kind of

Koby leaves the house at 7AM to catch the bus so I got up early on the first day so that I could take a picture(s), but when I went to download them I saw that all of the pictures were extremely blurry-so much to his displeasure I told him I would need to take another picture on day 2. Sadly he left the house before I got to the camera-so technically this is day 3 of Koby's 8th grade year.

Morgan also started 1st grade and she was so excited that she wanted me to take more than one picture! She loves eating at school, more recesses, seeing all of her 1st grade friends and that her teacher is so nice.

Maylee didn't start school (of course!) but she is so darn cute that I have to take and post pictures! Here are a few of my favorites...

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