Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Confession time

It's time for me to fess up.

I am not girly.

I am not good at "doing hair".

I didn't own a single pink article of clothing until Morgan came along.

I don't really like playing Barbies/dress up/make-overs, etc.

Morgan paints my nails more often than I paint them myself.

I own very little make-up--Morgan has more than I do and she is only 6!

I hate high heels/nylons/dresses/skirts.

I'd rather put my hair into a pony tail than spend more than 5 minutes with a curling iron, round brush, hair dryer.

So imagine my dilemma when I end up with the most feminine girl that I have ever met, as a daughter! She loves all of the things that I am not good at. She is so into clothes, hair, make-up and well anything else that you can define as "girly". Lately I have found myself asking her if what I am wearing looks ok. She loves shopping, doing hair, painting nails, etc.

She continues to amaze me with her fashion forward self. She spots trends like nobody's business. Lately she has wanted a feather in her hair-been asking for it for a couple of weeks now. I kept putting her off but finally gave in and said if she paid for it with her own money she could do it.

Yesterday while walking out of the salon she said, "I got my dream!" Here is my little diva with a purple feather in her hair. She is so happy!
I am so glad to have my little diva! She makes me smile and keeps life exciting! Love you Morg!

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