Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Family Project=work!

Koby is working hard at getting several merit badges this summer. One of them is family life and one of the requirements was to do a family project. So we decided as a family to clean up the outside of our home. We planned really big and then later made some adjustments so that the project was reasonable. We decided to paint the front door, paint the "garage" door and the trim. We also decided to remove 4 bushes that were on the side of the house-Steve really hated them and they drew bugs to our front yard like crazy. We also had a random tree growing in my flower bed that we decided to get rid of.

We decided to start at 9AM-probably should have started about 7AM instead since we worked for about 4 hours and it was so hot! We slathered on bug spray and got to work.

Before & during painting


Before & during bush removal


We are planning to make the side of the house into a flower bed but we were tired and needed to save some work for another day. It was actually kind of fun-we listened to music while we worked, and got to chat with each other without phone, tv, video games & computer interruptions. While painting I kept thinking about Tom Sawyer and how he was able to talk others into doing his work for him. I guess it's good that I don't have his skills because the work was good for me!

Maylee helped us out ALOT too! Poor baby worked so hard that she ended up with croup!

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