Wednesday, June 15, 2011

We wii

Last week while the kids were visiting gramma and Papa on the farm, I shocked Steve by suggesting that we get a wii. You may of heard that I am cheap/frugal/tightwad, so he was literally picking his jaw up off the floor. Here is the convo:

Me: What do you think about getting a wii?
Steve: That'd be cool.
Me:Ok, let's do it then.
Steve: When do you want to get one?
Me: When do you want to?
Steve: Now?
Me: Ok
Steve: REALLY? Are you serious?
Me: Sure
Steve: This is so not like you!

So we got one right then. The fun part came when the kids got home and we got to surprise them too. It was hard not saying anything to them all week long about it but I did it. Koby was so giddy he was actually smiling-yep for real a huge smile on my teenager! (that alone was worth the price of the machine!)

Since then we have played a lot! And it's been so fun to have us all playing together. Maylee doesn't actually play but she likes watching the TV while we play.

I also have an embarrassing confession: I was the first (and so far only one)to throw the remote at the TV-nothing broke thankfully! I also smacked Morgan while playing table tennis against Koby-again nothing broken thankfully. She was laughing as hard as Koby and I were.

Pictures of us on the Wii coming soon!

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