Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Awesome big bro & faux PT conference

Yesterday Koby really spoiled his little sister. He helped her build a tent with blankets in the house, played a board game with her-anything she wanted-except for Candyland, played the wii with her and also allowed her to be his teacher while they played school. Talk about an awesome brother!

Last night Morgan had a bright idea-here it is:

Morgan: Mom, how about if you pretend to be Koby's mom (big stretch I know!) and I will pretend to his teacher and you have to come and talk to me.

Me: Hello Ms Morgan, how is Koby doing in school?

Morgan: Really good, he is really smart and he has an A. Here is his homework. (She handed me a pretty hefty pile of papers.)

Me: Great! Does he talk too much in class?

Morgan: No not too much. I have learned him a lot of things.

Me: Taught?

Morgan: Yeah I taught him a lot.

Me: What did he do at school today?

Morgan: We practiced writing his name like about 100 times. Then he had reading time. (He was actually still reading when I got home from work.) Then I gave him a cupcake paper and had him decorate with a pen, we like colored pictures on it.

Me: Wow! Sounds like you are a great teacher.

Morgan: Yeah, I am.

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