Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Things I had forgotten

I didn't realize how much of my previous pregnancies I had forgotten. Here are a few of the "joyful" things about being pregnant.

1. Cankles-my feet/ankles look like tree trunks and my toes like Vienna sausages
2. constant heartburn-caused by EVERYthing!
3. laugh/cough/sneeze=peeing in pants
4. difficulty in bending (Is it really worth it to bend over and pick up that handful of change I just dropped? Probably not!)
5. The waddle
6. getting kicked in the ribs and/or bladder frequently
7. Trips to the bathroom 4-5 times a night
8. difficulty in shaving legs
9. people that believe just cuz you are pregnant they should get to touch your stomach
10.Ability to cry is as easy as ability to breathe
11.Receiving comments on the "hugeness" of my growing body

However there are also some pleasant things that I forgot about being pregnant.
1. People chalk up forgetfulness and airheadedness as just a side effect of pregnancy.
2. Can use pregnancy as an excuse to get out of just about everything
3. Can't clean the bathroom-too many chemicals in a small space
4. Buying/receiving adorable baby clothes, blankets, toys, etc.
5. People are nicer to you
6. Once the whole thing is over you get to bring home a brand new baby that smells wonderful (most of the time), who is so soft and cuddly and your arms and heart are full.

**I am intending this to be humorous and hope that no one's feelings were hurt.

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