Monday, November 15, 2010

Proof that teenagers still have stuff to learn

Yesterday on our way home from Grandma's house we were talking about the baby and when she will come home.

Koby asked, "What happens if the baby just comes out while you are sleeping?" Gotta say it would be a bit easier to just wake up with a perfect baby in your arms.

Then he later asked,"How did you have time to take me to Karla & Faran's house before Morgan was born."

I had to explain that the birthing process isn't quite that fast-at least not in my experience.

I really figured that he knew all of this from when Morgan was born but I guess he doesn't really remember and I haven't shared my horror child birth stories with him-much to his relief I am sure!

1 comment:

Jenny said...

If only you could wake up to the surprise of having a brand new baby laying in your arms. It would be nice to skip the whole labor process!