Tuesday, July 20, 2010


Last week Steve and I went to Denver Colorado for the week. I had a conference for work and I (very easily) talked Steve into going with me. My wonderful parents let Koby and Morgan come and stay with them for the week. Thank you mom & dad!

Between meetings Steve and I were able to do a little bit of sight seeing. My favorite thing was the King Tut & Pharaoh's exhibit at the Denver Art museum. It was amazing! We really enjoyed looking at all of the artifacts, reading and learning a lot and as a perk Indiana Jones was the narrator! Of course they wouldn't let us take any pictures and since I always follow all of the rules (stop laughing!) we didn't take any. We did take several pictures outside of the museum though.

These art pieces were all outside of the museum...

This is a park that was next to the museum-one side of the park was beautiful-with pretty flowers, well groomed lawn, an outdoor amplitheater; the other side must have been reserved for the homeless because there were many homeless beds laid out, the grass was dead and it looked like the opposite of the other half of the park.

More of Denver...

Since we didn't have a rental car, our sight seeing was pretty limited. Our hotel was on the 16th Street mall so we had access to a lot of stuff. It was nice to spend alone time with Steve and to go somewhere new but I did get homesick and missed my kids. I guess it's true that there is 'no place like home' (click, click, click).

1 comment:

Jerilyn said...

What? No pictures of the Treadmill? haha, j/k.

Fun pics! (I love how we are both blogging right now, haha) :)