Wow! My little Koby is going to be turning 12 this weekend. I thought I would share some pictures and memories of him-so you can see just why I love him so much!
Koby has always been a very handsome boy-just take a look!
Koby at 6 months, as a cow for Halloween at 2 and at 18 months

He loved cows and anything related to farming. Spent lots of time being Papa's little helper-Koby loves to tell people that he was driving a tractor by the age of 3! He often wore cowboy boots and loved to watch Disney movies. Koby spent hours at ball games from a very young age. He got to watch his uncles, aunt and Papa play sports year round. Koby developed some interested words that were inventive and memorable. Nuich-Pepsi, Wamu-Uncle Faran, Fire cookies-fireworks, and Grandpa Werry became Papa.
Age 3-4

Koby got to start going to Headstart Preschool when he was three. He loved it there and learned so much so fast. When he was four he asked me to teach him how to read and picked that up before he even started Kindergarten. He had tons of friends and made new ones everywhere he went. Koby also tried out soccer and really enjoyed it.
Age 5-Kindergarten picture!

This year Koby got a "new dad" and he adjusted to the new changes so well. It was as if Koby had been waiting for his whole life to have his dad around. They loved playing with race tracks and cars and riding bikes. He also decided to try t-ball and ofcourse he loved it.

As the years speed by we have been blessed to have Koby be in our family. He has grown and matured into a fascinating person. He has a stubborn streak that we love and he keeps much joy and love in our home. Koby is such a great young man who has a strong desire to be good and to help others. He is a wonderful big brother to Morgan. He loves his cousins and all the girls adore him and would follow him through fire. Koby is quiet and shy but if you get him talking about the right topic he can go for hours. He plays football, basketball and baseball. He likes camping, hiking and scouts. He still enjoys helping on the farm. Koby is extremely smart-he excels in every subject in school and is humble about it.

Happy Birthday sweetie! I love you Koby!