Thursday, May 21, 2009

Post 100

I recently noticed that this post will be #100. I really wanted to make it spectacular but really my life isn't that spectacular so I will just write another everyday post, rather than waiting months to post something great.

Things are going well for us. The weather has been so nice, we are really enjoying our time outside.

Koby started his baseball games this week. The team has been practicing for 1.5 months so it's nice to finally see a game. They lost their first game-pretty bad but Koby said he had fun so that is what is important.

Last night Morgan and I planted some tomatoes and a raspberry bush. I know it's late but oh well, atleast we did that much! I am hoping that our dog will leave the plants alone and that we will get some fruit off of both.

Last weekend I went with the Zabriskie girls on an overnighter to Wendover. We had a lot of fun even if I didn't win a dime in my first experience with gambling. It was fun just being together. Steve told me that it's so hard when I am not home. Good! I felt valuable for a few minutes. In less than two weeks I am going to Philadelphia for a conference, since we hate for Steve's life to be too hard the kids are going to spend a couple of days with my parents. If any of you drive by my house and see a huge party you will have to tattle on Steve and let me know. =)

Koby has only 5.5 days of school left this year. He is pretty excited to have a break from school. We have so many plans for this summer that I don't think he will have much of a chance to be bored. But then again he is a pre-teen and being bored comes naturally at that age!

Well if you have read this far thanks for sticking around to read my blog for so long. 100 posts!

1 comment:

Jen said...

You go girl! 100 and counting:) Love reading your posts and I don't think you are boring! Let me know what some of your fun summer plans are-