Tuesday, February 10, 2009

The joys of winter in Utah

Is anyone else annoyed about the weather? I love how last week it was sunny and so springlike and this week winter is back-snow, wind, cold, etc. Last week Koby wore shorts and a jacket so today it took a big argument from me to get him to wear his snow boots and coat. Here are some of the best things about winter:
1. layering just to keep warm (to the point that you look like a marshmallow)
2. Shoveling snow/cleaning off the car before you can even get into it
3. Colds/Flu/Bronchitis/pnemonia/RSV
4. Shoes are a must and that is very hard for me!
5. Forcing my kids to stay inside because it is so cold or they are sick
6. Wet socks-even wearing boot and being careful my socks always get wet
7. Increased drive time (today I left 10 minutes early for work and got there 15 min late)
8. Bad air-the inversion sucks
9. It is dark at 5pm
10.Scrapping ice off the car windows

I guess there are some good things about winter but right now I am having a hard time thinking of them. I am so ready for Spring!

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