Tuesday, January 13, 2009


So last night we had FHE and the lesson was on setting goals for the new year. First we set family goals. Everyone threw out ideas-even Morgan, who suggested grapes, (???) and once a goal was explained, suggested we play with toys more. Koby suggested some really good ones-read scriptures as a family again, morning family prayer and a family vacation to Moab. Then we all set our own individual goals. We wrote them on 3x5 cards and put them where we could see them. Hopefully we will be able to do it!
Here are the new curtains...
Here is a picture of Koby playing basketball-and it is only blurry because he moves so fast! (He is the one with the ball.)And the other picture is Morgan who got a little bored watching the game.


Kris said...

I love your new curtains. They are very cute! I also love Morgan's goal of playing with more toys. I think we should all do that! Where's the picture of your hair? I guess all I need to do it get up and walk down the hallway to see it. I'll do that very soon!

Sachiko said...

Family New Year's resolutions for FHE is a great idea! I wonder what Rachel will say.