Tuesday, December 23, 2008

Morgan-the daredevil!

Yesterday I took the day off of work. The kids and I made about 5 dozen sugar cookies, two pans of brownies & banana bars. It took a long time to do it all and then ofcourse even longer to clean up after. The kids got bored and went outside to play in the fresh snow. I went out to check on them and found this!It is hard to tell from the picture so I will explain it. We have a large dog house next to the house with a ladder leaned against it and with a piece of plywood on top of that. Steve made this little shelter for our dog. Anyway I found Morgan on top of the shelter with Koby's snowboard trying to slide down the slope! Thankfully she was not hurt.


Kris said...

Your pictures are all so fun! You really do have adorable kids! Morgan definitely sounds like quite the little daredevil. Hope you have a very Merry Christmas!

Deborah said...

Thank you for the banana bars, Becky...they were absolute heaven!!!