Thursday, December 4, 2008

Christmas prep

On Tuesday we had a free night so we got out our Christmas decor and prepared our home for the holidays. We had a lot of fun. First we assembled the tree-I guess it's not the same thing as going into the mountains to cut down the perfect tree but it does save money to reuse the same tree each year and we know we will always get the perfect tree and I love that we don't have to worry about it dying. While we put the tree together Morgan got all of the decorations lined up on the piano bench. She is not OCD at all!

My favorite part of setting up was putting the nativity together. I carefully unwrapped each piece and talked to Morgan about each one as she carefully carried them across the room to hand them to Koby who set them up this year.

I have to say that our tree would never win the most beautiful and I know it doesn't look polished or sophisticated or even symetrical, but I love it! Every year we each pick out a new ornament-so we end up with Dora, scooby doo, basketball themed ornaments and many other random odds and ends. It is so fun to try and remember who picked which ornament, why and when. We also have many homemade ornaments that Koby has made at school over the years. So to me not only is our tree beautiful but it is also meaningful. So what if I am not Martha Stewart...I think I am more than happy with just being Becky Zabriskie.


BeckyAndGirls said...

I LOVE your tree! It's like my house as well. All of my decor is stuff the kids made. So much more fun that way!

Jen said...

Love the tree. Mine is the same, the only rule I have is nothing breakable at the bottom.