A couple of days ago as the kids and I were getting into the car, Morgan spotted a strip of paper on our lawn. She ran and picked it up and gave it to me. I thought to myself, Boy can this girl find treasures-she loves to collect leaves, sticks, rocks and now she is collecting garbage in the yard. There were only a few words on that paper but they have triggered some very deep thinking on my part. The paper said, "They all knew I was in over my head..."
Most people would just crumble up the paper and chuck it-and I did that but then I started thinking about every aspect of my life and what that quote could apply to. My marriage-nope-things are good there and I am very happy! My kids-yeah probably-I try really hard to be a good mom but there are so many parenting things that I am clueless about. But still I love my kids and they seem to be happy and well adjusted so maybe just up to my neck but not over my head. My job-no way-I can do it all in my sleep. My church calling-possibly-I have a new calling to teach relief society but I have done it before and I am not
too worried. I know that as long as I prepare the Lord will help me out. Relationships, friendships, anything else I could think of seemed pretty good.
So maybe the quote couldn't apply to my life at all...maybe it was just the wind that blew someone's trash onto our yard. But I still think that everything happens for a reason and maybe this happened so I could analyze my life and realize just how great things are. Most likely. So now I want to just mention a few of the blessings that I have in my life.
Steve-what an amazing husband!

He shows me everyday how much he loves me. How lucky am I? I get to spend eternity with the man I love!
Koby & Morgan-both of my children are loving and good. They bring joy and love into every day. They fill our lives with laughter and I am blessed to be their mother.

My parents and siblings (and their spouses). I am blessed to have such a loving family that are always willing to help each other.

I am also blessed to have great in-laws. The Zabriskie's are awesome.
I am so grateful for my health. Thankful for my job-in times when the ecomomy is so shaky and the number of unemployed is growing it is a relief to know that both Steve and I have jobs that will provide for our family.I am blessed to have the gospel in my life-it provides guidence, peace and happiness. I am grateful to our Savior Jesus Christ-for the life he lived and for the sacrafice of his death.
Most especially I am grateful for my Heavenly Father and for the blessings he gives me each day. I feel like a spoiled child that often takes things for granted and doesn't say thank you nearly enough.
A quote comes to my mind, "My cup runeth over." That is truly how I feel. I am over my head with blessings!