Thursday, August 14, 2008

5 years ago

Tomorrow Steve and I will be celebrating our 5th anniversary. This is a picture of us-we both look younger and thinner...
Koby was a bit shy around everyone-so many people and a lot of cameras. From the moment we came out of the temple Koby started calling Steve dad. And Steve is a wonderful dad to both of our kids-he never calls Koby his step-son and that makes me love him even more!

Juicy tidbits about Steve and I:
How we met: LDS singles online-we talked for two months before our first date although we tell most people we met through a friend.
1st gifts we exchanged: Steve got a jar of PB & I got a poinsetta
The proposal: Steve, Koby and I went up Provo Canyon one evening. We sat on some huge boulders and looked out over Utah Valley. It was a bit chilly and so Steve said he would get a blanket out of the car and asked Koby if he wanted to walk to the car with him. A few minutes later Koby came running up to me and said, "look mom look!" He was holding a beautiful ring box in his little fingers. Steve hurried up behind him and said, "Wait!" He wrapped the blanket around my shoulders, got down on one knee, opened the ring box and asked me to marry him. Koby said, "Say yes mom!" You can guess what I said since we had already annonced our engagement months earlier to our family and friends-we were just waiting for the ring. I loved that Steve involved Koby in the whole process!
How we told the Werry family we were getting married: About 7pm we hopped in the car and took a two hour drive to my parents house. The were shocked that we just showed up but the announcement that we were getting married was no surprise at all. My dad said two things-"it's about time" and "what a shocker!" (he can be a bit sarcastic!)
How we told the Zabriskie family about our engagement: On Saturday we took Dan and Verena out for lunch and shared our news. Dan said, "wow what a surprise." (he can be sarcastic too.) On Sunday the whole family was getting together for dinner and Verena asked if she could be the one to make our announcement. We agreed. After everyone was sitting down Verena announced that they were having a new grandchild. Everyone looked around at everyone trying to figure out who was going to have a baby. I admit I was looking around too. After everyone accused everyone of being pregnant, Verena said that their new grandchild was named Koby. It didn't take long for everyone to understand what that meant and everyone in the room began to yell and applaud.
Where we got married: Mt. Timpanogos temple, American Fork, Utah
Why we got married on August 15: I finished my summer classes on August 11th and had to return for fall semester on August 25th. And Matt, my brother, got home from his mission on August 9th and I wanted atleast one brother at my wedding-Rick was on his mission.

Steve, you are the love of my life! I am so gateful that we have had 5 wonderful years and I am looking forward to many many more. Thanks for always being there for me, for making me laugh, for holding me when I cry, for treating me like a queen and for loving me! You are the greatest. I love you!

1 comment:

BeckyAndGirls said...

You guys have the sweetest family!!!! We miss you!