Thursday, January 22, 2015
Morgan gets pampered
One of Morgan's friends had a birthday party and it was probably the best birthday party ever. I was pretty jealous that I didn't get to go, but I am pretty sure this is what Morgan wants to do for her birthday party too. First they went to the "spa" and had manicures, facials and got their makeup done. Doesn't Morgan look so beautiful? But sadly, also so grown up? After the spa, they got to go out to dinner at the Olive Garden. Morgan was on cloud 9 for days.
Koby slaving away
We finally decided to brave the wrath of Koby and eat at his work-while he was working. I covertly took pictures of him while pretending to take selfies. The girls were so excited to see where Koby works and to see what he does. He wasn't happy with us but oh well-he wouldn't be a real teenager without moments of unhappiness with his parents. See how happy Morgan is?
Little dancer
Maylee started dance classes and she LOVES it! Everyday she asks if she has dance class today. She looks so cute and so tiny in her little dance clothes! Love this little dancer!
Friday, January 9, 2015
One little mistake
Last Sunday we were planning to go to a baby blessing. We left early enough, all of us were shined and polished in our Sunday best, I plugged the address into gps and we were off. It was supposed to be a 45 minute drive and suddenly when the gps on my phone said, "you have arrived at your destination", we were in the middle of the road and no church was in sight. Steve pulled over and I pulled up the texts with the address. Turns out I had left off one tiny detail (east), so I entered the correct address in and we found out we were about 15 minutes away and sacrament was due to start in only five more minutes. I was so frustrated! We didn't make it in time. I think I apologized a half dozen times to Steve and the kids and even Steve's brother.
Fast forward.
Several hours later we were having our big group family home evening and Steve was the lesson. In preparation he asked us each to bear our testimonies. When it was Koby's turn he told the story of our failed attempt at the baby blessing earlier in the day. Then he said the most profound thing. Koby said that it is like when we listen to Heavenly Father. We have to pay attention very carefully to his instructions and follow them exactly or we won't end up in the right place. One tiny little thing can make you end up in a place where you don't want to be. Those words hit me so hard and they are so true. We have to constantly be working towards doing the right thing, working towards our Heavenly Father.
Recently we were informed that a couple that we love dearly has decided to leave the LDS church. It has been very hard on Steve and I. I don't know all of their reasons but I am saddened by their choice because I know how much guidance and happiness the gospel has brought to my life. Hearing their news makes me want to cling even tighter to my testimony and the things I know to be true because I want "to end up in the right place". I know I don't bear my testimony often enough, but I do hope that I live my life in a way that my actions testify of Jesus Christ every day.
Bad Blogger Part 2
On October 25th Koby turned 17! Seriously how is this even possible! We took Koby out to lunch and then he went with his friends to a UofU football game and to Frightmares. When he got home he found out that we finally got Steve a new car so he kind of also got a new car for his birthday. Lucky kid!
I was swamped with planning, organizing and running super Saturday for the ward. We made some really great crafts and I got a huge jump start on Christmas gifts. My wonderful family helped me set up, clean up and keep me sane. On the same day as this Koby had to work and the rest of us ran to Price for my cousin Erik's wedding. Talk about an exhausting day. Once that was over we started planning for Thanksgiving. Everyone in my family was coming for Thanksgiving so I had an amazing idea to do family pictures. We found a great photographer and coordinated clothes and the turned out so good. (I am doing a completely separate post of just those pictures!)
Thanksgiving was great and I enjoyed my favorite holiday even more than usual. Koby started wrestling practices.
This month went by like a blur. There were so many parties and we had plenty of shopping trips and game nights. Koby finally let us meet his girlfriend. We had Sara come over for dinner and to play games. It was really fun and we like Sara a lot. Koby also had a few wrestling matches, work and he got sick with bronchitis. We got to visit Santa and have breakfast at UVU. 

Morgan had a dance performance.
Steve worked a lot of overtime. I got a lot of time off for the holidays which was so nice. Christmas was wonderful and relaxed, we stayed home until the day after when we headed to Richfield to visit family.

We ended the Year with a party at Brian and Jody's home on New Years eve.
What an incredible year! We are so blessed and loved.
Bad blogger part 1
It has been so long since I have written. It seems as if I just skipped fall, I didn't though. We have just been busy and I never sat down and journaled our life. I am sad about that because this is my only journal. I don't want to marathon blog because I am sure that I will forget something important but oh well.
The kids went back to school. Morgan started 4th grade, she get her very own locker and loves school. She has made a lot of new friends this year. She likes her teacher and is doing very well. Morgan is such a smart kid! Koby is a junior in high school. He has several difficult classes but is doing well. UVU is back in session and I am swamped at work but my new awesome boss encourages me to take an advanced excel class. Steve takes a fun camping trip with his brother Brian and a couple of friends (Frank and Joe). They got to visit southern Utah and saw some beautiful sites and enjoyed hiking and the great outdoors. Maylee loves to go to Becky's (babysitter) house and has so many friends to play with each day.
My sweet baby nephew Kyler is born!
Morgan starts her soccer season and got to play on a great team-they had several wins and a fun season. Morgan also joined the school dance club and has practice 2x a week, she really enjoys it. Koby decided he wanted a part time job and started working at a pizza joint a few evenings a week as a bus boy and dish washer. He brings home yummy leftovers all the time but so far we haven't gone and eaten dinner there while he is working. He seems to think that may be embarrassing. We had an amazing opportunity to go to the Ogden temple open house before the temple was rededicated. It was a beautiful experience and very inspiring. 

October Fall passes by so fast. Koby is busy with work and school and dating. We are struggling with coordinating three drivers and two cars, three jobs and way too many activities, so we decide to purchase a new car for Steve. We found Steve a nice Nissan car and Koby inherits the Elantra. The girls and I got to make a weekend trip to visit Papa and Grandpa on the farm. We made the annual trek to the pumpkin patch with cousins. Sadly, Dad and Koby had to stay home and work. 

The girls were so excited for Halloween and started planning their costumes early-like July early. Maylee decided to be a princess and a ballerina. She ended up with three costume changes. Morgan was a witch-green face and crazy ratted hair. They got plenty of candy and enjoyed dressing up numerous times for parties, parades and trick or treating. While Koby was out on a date, the rest of us got to go to Cornbelly's. It was a blast!

I dragged everyone up into the mountains for a picnic and pictures. 

Just a few of my favorites.
Stay tuned for part two...
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