Thursday, September 5, 2013

Maylee's changing

Maylee is going to be 2 1/2 next week and she is changing and growing so fast-it's exciting and fun but also sad! She has the cutest, sweetest personality. She makes us all laugh and smile all the time. Last night I was helping her get her pajamas on and she sat up and folded her arms and said, "I want prayer!" I told her that we needed to get everyone in the room first for family prayer. She then yelled, "Prayer ever'one!" So everybody came into the room and gathered around. Maylee then said, "Morgan fold your arms!" It was so adorable. Although as soon as the prayer started she was up walking around. Oh well-we are getting there. This morning was also a huge step-she peed in the potty for the first time ever! She sits on the toilet all the time (her request) but has never done anything other than sitting there, until today. We were celebrating for quite some time and she got a treat out of it. Love you Maylee bug!

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