Thursday, September 8, 2011

You've got mail!

A few weeks ago we had a family home evening about showing/sharing love for your family members. One of my friends had given me a great idea of doing a little mail system in our own home. (Thanks Robin!)We each decorated an envelope with our name, stickers, art work, etc and then hung them on our bedroom doors. We have been writing short notes and sticking them in each others "mail boxes". It has been so fun! Morgan tends to write several notes for each of us everyday-her handwriting and sounding out words skills have really improved. Koby's letters to us are a bit more infrequent than Morgans but they really make the receiver very happy!

Sometimes it is easier to express ourselves with a pen and paper than with our voices. I think our little activity has helped us to grow closer to each other.

All of this talk about mail made me think about one of my best friends who lives many states away. And as strange as this may seem-her name is also Becky-and no she is not an imaginary friend! We met when we were in 9th grade-we both lived in Idaho for about a year and then moved to different states-me back to Utah and her to Washington. We never lived in the same state again. We have only been able to see each other about once every 4-6 years and somehow our friendship has lasted. Another weird thing about our friendship is that I think we have only talked on the phone once in the last 19 years (Please stop doing the math to figure out how old I am!) Becky is the one friend that I can always confide in, she understands me and I know that she is always willing to support and listen to me.

All through high school and our early 20's we communicated by mail (AKA-snail mail)to each other. I loved opening the mailbox and seeing her writing. Then came the huge technological advance of email. It was so nice to be able to hear from Becky faster and more frequently. We communicated this way ever since then.She is truly my best friend and I love getting mail from her. I don't know if our friendship is so good because of us only communicating in this manner or what but that probably has something to do with it. There is something about being able to sit down and pour out your soul without interruption and a delete button.

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