Monday, April 5, 2010

Easter weekend

We got to spend the weekend at my parents home. It was so nice to visit and we had a lot of fun. We were so busy that we forgot to paint the eggs until it was too late. The Easter bunny had to hide boring white hard boiled eggs. But after all of the eggs were found I let Morgan color them.

It was really nice to be able to listen to General conference on Easter Sunday. It is a great reminder of why there is Easter. I have to admit that I wasn't able to watch every talk of every session but I do feel uplifted and encouraged to become a better person.

I helped Koby set up an email account this weekend-I am not ready to let him on Facebook so I think email is a decent compromise. He has gotten several emails and I think he feels pretty cool.

Morgan got in a bit of trouble over the weekend when she used a marker as lipstick-think bright BRIGHT pink lips. She tried to say that it just fell on her. (Do I look that naive?)The picture is pretty bad but you can atleast see the color of her lips!

Both kids spent a lot of time playing with the puppies and kitties. No pictures of that but here they are on Easter morning.

This week is spring break for Koby, so he and Morgan got to stay at Papa and Gramma's while Steve and I had to come home so we can go to work. I am so glad that they get a chance to spend time with their grandparents and an opportunity to play/work on the farm. Thankfully they aren't staying too long so I don't end up homesick for them!

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