Monday, March 15, 2010

oh the things Morgan says

Last night we were at grandma's house for FHE. Steve and I noticed a police car sitting in front of her house. This really intrigued my uncle Lindsay. He kept saying, "wonder why they are here?"

ME: Well where is your police scanner?
MORGAN: Yeah where is your police manners?
ME: Laughing
MORGAN: What? That is what you said!

We are working on getting Morgan ready for school. Last week she learned our address. Here is our conversation:

MORGAN: Ask me what our address is.
ME: What is our address?
MORGAN:(She says it but I am not going to advertise where we live)
ME: Wow! You rock!
MORGAN: (Grinning) If I say it again will you say I rock again?
Then she says it again and before I can say anything she says, "I ROCK!"

Morgan is terrified of birds. If she sees one even close to her she starts crying and won't move.
Conversation in the car...
MORGAN: Mom I can't find my bird.(she was talking about her littlest pet shop toy.)
STEVE: You don't even like birds.
MORGAN: Yes I do! I like birds, they just don't like me.

Part of Morgan's prayer:
Thanks for this day. Thanks for our blessings. Thank you that we could come to familee-leeling. (family home evening)

She is always saying such cute funny things and I think, I should really write that down but when I get in front of a computer I can't seem to remember them all. Also since she talks A LOT there is plenty of things to try and remember.


McCall B. said...

I'm so glad you are writing these things down, not only for my enjoyment, but so that you will have these things saved for the future. What a funny girl! Love it!

Jenny said...

Morgan talk a lot? No, I don't think so. I'm also positive it's not a trait that runs in the girls in this family. At least, not my girls (HA HA HA!)