Thursday, June 27, 2013
Maylee talk
Here are some cute things that Maylee has been saying (and their translations):
In the middle of Sacrament meeting Maylee loudly said to Peyton, "Sit on my crap!" which we all know means sit on my lap, but it was quite embarrassing when several heads turned to look at us.
Chicken-monk = chipmunk,
One million = watermelon;
When I tell her I love you she will not say love you back but instead she has started saying Love-ly.
She also calls fireworks, firecookies just like Koby used to.
Maylee is so cute and she sure keeps us laughing.
We bought Maylee this new swimming suit and she loves it-she wants to wear it all the time. I think she has napped in it quite a few times. She has some weird name for her swimming suit but I have no idea how to spell what she says.
Riding lessons
So in order to become the best parents that Morgan has ever had (or will have), we set up horse back riding lessons for her. She gets to go 5 times and learn all about how to take care of and ride horses. At the first lesson Morgan had a huge allergic reaction and her face swelled up. Her eyes were nearly swollen shut and she had hives on her face. This picture was taken about one hour after she took Benadryl and had held a washcloth to her face. Morgan was so upset. She told me that she didn't want to give up on her dream, which is to own horses one day.
Day two went much better. We had Morgan take the allergy meds before we went and she borrowed one of Koby's bandanas.
Maylee, Steve and I got to be spectators! Ride 'em cowgirl!
Morgan is one happy girl!
Daddy's day
Monday, June 10, 2013
I was able to cross a couple more things off my 40x40. On Saturday morning we got up early and went to the balloon festival launching. It was so cool and amazing. I loved watching them all. They let you just walk around and watch each of them. 

They were a bit tired:
Later that night I also watched the sunset with the girls. It was peaceful and very pretty. The girls decided to pick "flowers" for me so that kept them busy most of the time. 

I only have 37 more goals to cross off my list!
Moab 2013 (part 1)
This year we decided to take a family vacation to Moab utah. We planned really early, reserved our cabin in January and decided we were for sure going this year. It was so much fun! On our first day we went and toured the hole in the rock museum. It was pretty cool. 

Then we were able to check into our cabin. We stayed in a cute little cabin just North of Moab it had running water and a kitchen! I love "camping" when it involves indoor plumbing. It also had satellite TV and wi-fi, so we really had to rough it. After getting settled in we tried to get Maylee to take a nap but she was too excited so we piled into the van and headed to the Arches National Park. 

These pictures (above) are from the visitor's center and that area.
We did a couple of hikes before it was time for dinner. We hiked first through Park Avenue to the Courthouse towers. 

Next we hiked around Balanced Rock. 

We were lucky to be able to borrow a backpack from a friend so that we could easily pack Maylee around.
When we got back we got to hang out at the pool while our dinner was cooking in the oven. After a decent night's sleep we woke up quite early and headed back to the Arches. We did several trails and spent most of our day there. We hiked to the Window's, Double arch (favorite for Morgan and I), Sand Dune Arch, Broken Arch and skyline arch. 

That evening after a nice nap, we headed to Delicate Arch. It was a rough hike for some of us (me-mostly) because of the sheer drop offs and the steep incline but we all made it! This was Steve and Koby's favorite arch/hike. 

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