Thursday, March 14, 2013

Maylee turns 2!

I know it's what all parents say, but it's true-your kids do grow up way too fast! It's amazing to believe that Maylee has been part of our family for two years now. She is so sweet and so much fun. We love hearing her use all the new vocab she has learned. She LOVES puzzles, coloring, stickers, books, Playing on the Kindle. When Maylee saw her presents sitting on the piano bench on her birthday morning she said, "My presents!" and then ran and hugged the biggest one. She ripped one little piece of paper off and handed it to Morgan before ripping another off. It took her a little while to get anything open. She really enjoyed playing with the box of her new shopping cart. After Koby's wrestling tournament and Steve's basketball game, we went out to dinner at Carl's jr and let the girls play at the playground. Later Maylee got to open more presents and have cake. We love our little Maylee bug!

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