Friday, September 28, 2012


The other day I was showing Morgan a CD of pictures from her first year of life. While looking at this picture:
She said, "I wish Koby still loved me that much." I almost started crying right then. It seems that the older Morgan gets the more she and Koby fight. They both like to be in charge and hate being told what to do. But back when Morgan was small Koby was so sweet to her. They still have some great moments of getting along great but it's not the same. Both Koby and Morgan are fiercely protective of each other and I know that they really do love each other but they don't show it like they used to. Anyway I decided to try and encourage more love and peace in our home so we created the service jar. Whenever someone does something nice for another member of the family they get to add a rock or marble to the jar. Once the jar is full we are going to do something fun together as a family.
Since we all have different colors of rocks/marbles the jar is looking pretty as it fills up.

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