Friday, July 6, 2012

Summer heat

Lately it has been HOT! The temps have been in the high 90's/low 100's and to make it worse-there has been a lot of fires in Utah already this summer. I just looked online and as of today there are six active fires here. The air has been smokey and smelly. The closest fire is about 25 miles away from our home but we still have experienced "raining ash". Like nearly everyone else in Utah, we began to pray for rain. Yesterday it rained! It poured for hours! So I am very grateful to Heavenly Father for hearing our prayers and sending moisture that we desperately need. I am also grateful that my family is all safe and none of them are in the fire zones or near harms way. I hope it stays that way. I am grateful to the firefighters who are working long hard days with little sleep to protect homes and families.

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