Monday, April 23, 2012

FHE-Morgan style

The other night Morgan was in charge of the lesson for FHE. When I got home from work she told me that she had already prepared everything. She began by showing us pictures out of an old church manual-they were pictures of couples, temples, holding hands, rings. Then she showed pictures out of Steve & my wedding book. She then told us that there are two options when you get married. You can either get married at a church or at the temple. She said that the temple is the better choice because that way it is forever. Here is part of the conversation. Morgan: So what choice are you going to make? Me: Ummm...I'm already married. Morgan: I know but WHAT would you choose? Me: Well I got married in the temple. Morgan: Ok, but which choice would you make? Me: Uh, the temple? Morgan: Good! Later she decided it was time to wrap it up so she bore her testimony, saying that she knows that temples are true and she hopes that she will get married in the temple, and you too KOBY and you too MAYLEE! (talk about being challenged!) She did an amazing job as always! We learned a lot!

1 comment:

Jana Allen said...

That's so cute! I loved the funny conversation! I'm impressed she did it all by herself too!