Monday, November 21, 2011


I am grateful for libraries. Have I mentioned that I love to read? Oh yeah, like A LOT! So unfortunately I am not wealthy enough to purchase a steady stream of books, nor do I have room to store them, so I really use the public library. In our small town we have a beautiful brand new library and I love going there.

The other day I saw a quote that totally fit me-I can't remember the exact wording but it said something like this, "You always dreamed of living in the Beast's castle (Beauty and the beast) because of the library." So so true!

1 comment:

Janet said...

One word--EREADERS! Beg Steve for one for christmas. I got one in August and though I still get books from the library, it is awesome to shop for books that are cheaper in your PJ's. Plus most library's have ebooks you can check out. The file just deletes itself after the loan period. It is totally awesome!