Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Zabriskie reunion

Last weekend we had Steve's family reunion at a nice cabin in the mountains. It was so beautiful. Very few pictures from the weekend, I have finally realized that breast feeding has taken a toll on my picture taking. In order to have a bit of privacy while nursing Maylee I would sit out on the upper porch, the view was incredible! By far it was better than when I sit in my old office at work pumping, looking at bare white walls-but needless to say I usually don't carry the camera to either place. Ok to get off that tangent-we had a great time visiting with the family. All of Steve's siblings except one were able to make it, plus their families, Steve's dad and Aunt and uncle.

The kids told me that their favorite part was spending the day at the lake (I did get some pictures of that)! We had a couple of boats and a very nice family that was there let some of the older kids use his kayak. Maylee and I hung out in the shade, protecting the food and avoiding sunburn.

More of the lake

Morgan also loved the evenings when Aunt Jody would blast the music and everyone would dance. I really missed out on some blackmail opportunities! We had a talent show one evening-Steve and Morgan sang a Rob Thomas song and I went out on a limb and read a children's book to everyone. Koby decided to hide his talents this weekend-I guess I should have forced him to share something but I decided to avoid that fight. Oh and Maylee's talent was just to be cute and adorable-I think I heard that she was so cute at least a dozen times a day and I have to say that it's easy to agree with that!

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