Today my little baby boy turns 13-it's hard to believe how fast he has grown up. We spent the weekend celebrating. We never can seem to celebrate the kid's birthdays on just one day!
Koby asked to have a few friends sleep over on Friday night,(I am told it's not called a sleep-over but a bro's night-thanks for the info Jenna-I gotta try and stay cool!) a few ended up being six additional teenage boys. We fed them pizza, root beer floats, chips and licorice-really healthy food, I mean look at all of the food groups we hit! They played night games outside at the park and played a lot of X-box and watched a movie. We are lucky that Koby has such good friends. They stayed up very late and got up very early. So Koby spent most of Saturday looking like this...
On Sunday evening we invited family over for cake and ice cream. We are lucky to be surrounded by so much family that love him. He got some awesome gifts and we did our best to embarrass him. This is the cake that I sliced into before remembering to take a picture.
After everyone left we gave Koby one of his gifts since he had picked it out himself and he wanted to wear it to school today. Morgan is trying to do "heavy, heavy hang over thy poor head".
Anyway we are so glad to have Koby in our family! I hope that you have a great day, Koby! I love you!