Thursday, November 18, 2010

Babysitting tips

Lately Morgan has been playing her own version of house. She loves to pretend to be the mom, her stuffed cow is her husband, they have a couple of kids and I am the grandma who needs to watch the kids. On Tuesday night she decided she and her husband needed a night out, so she brought her two children over to my house. She took the many things out of her bag-bottles, diapers, bibs, blankets. I told her she could just lay the babies down at the end of the couch since they were asleep and I was watching TV. Morgan and her husband decided to go out to the movies, which meant that she set up the DVD player in the kitchen and watched the Bee movie.

In the mean time I had to run Koby and several young men to the church for their activity. While getting my coat on she said, "Don't forget you are babysitting!" I told her to just tell her dad to listen for them and I would be right back.

After her movie was over she came "home" to see that her babies were still sleeping on the couch. Needless to say, she was a little ticked off at me.

"Mom you can't just let them sleep the whole time!"

WOW! I am a huge failure as a babysitting grandma-thankfully I have a lot of time to hone my skills.

Unconventional gratitude

Only one more week until my favorite holiday! I am really looking forward to Thanksgiving-just like every year. A lot of people have been blogging or facebooking something that they are grateful for everyday and I really meant to do that too but I failed and I don't want to try to come up with a good excuse-I was just lazy. BUT, that doesn't mean that I haven't been thinking about all of the wonderful blessings in my life.

There are all the usual-Family, friends, home, Savior, church family, gospel, scriptures, jobs, freedom, our baby, education, good schools & good friends for our children, good health, music, etc.

But recently I had an eye opening experience. We also need to be grateful for the not so good things in our lives. My brother Matt, gave the following examples:

1. I don't like doing dishes but a sink of dirty dishes means that we had food to eat and I am grateful for that.

2.I don't like my husband sitting on the couch watching football games all the time but I am grateful that he is there rather than out at a bar somewhere.

So Now I am going to try some unconventional gratitude of my own.

I am grateful that I have been sick for the past 22.5 weeks because that means that I am still pregnant and that my baby is alive and healthy. I am grateful that I have been throwing up, nauseous, tired and miserable because it means that in another 17.5 weeks I will have a new baby to hold, cuddle and love.

I am grateful for a mortgage payment because that means we have a nice warm home to live in. We are safe, warm and protected in our home. I am grateful that it often becomes messy because that means we feel comfortable living in our home.

I am grateful that Steve and I have to go to work M-F because that means that we have money and insurance and are able to provide for our needs. I am grateful that Morgan gets to go to a great babysitter while we are at work because that means even more people get to teach and love her. Others get to see what a wonderful girl she is.

I am grateful for church callings that keep us busy because we get a chance to serve people, to learn about them and to love them. It gives us an opportunity to show our Heavenly Father that we are willing to serve his children. It also keeps us too busy to get into trouble!

I am grateful for Koby's ornery teenage attitude because it means that he is exploring and learning who he is. He is learning to stand on his own and figuring out who he will be. I am also grateful that teenage years will eventually come to an end and getting through them will help us to appreciate and love each other even more.

I am grateful for Morgan's homework and that it requires adult help everyday. Helping her with her homework has helped us to develop a better relationship and I love watching her learn and explore new things. It also means that she goes to a good school and will get a good education. It shows her how important gaining knowledge and getting an education is to me.

I could probably go on forever but this is enough for you to see a glimpse of what I learned this past week. I truly am blessed and loved.

I hope that you have a great Thanksgiving and holiday season.

Monday, November 15, 2010

Proof that teenagers still have stuff to learn

Yesterday on our way home from Grandma's house we were talking about the baby and when she will come home.

Koby asked, "What happens if the baby just comes out while you are sleeping?" Gotta say it would be a bit easier to just wake up with a perfect baby in your arms.

Then he later asked,"How did you have time to take me to Karla & Faran's house before Morgan was born."

I had to explain that the birthing process isn't quite that fast-at least not in my experience.

I really figured that he knew all of this from when Morgan was born but I guess he doesn't really remember and I haven't shared my horror child birth stories with him-much to his relief I am sure!

Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Big sis

Morgan is so ecstatic about becoming a big sister. She talks about it daily, if not hourly.

(As a side note-I am sure that Koby is excited too, but he is a teenager and a boy and so he keeps his emotions a bit more subdued about the whole thing.)

Anyway, Morgan was so excited to call people and tell them that the baby is a girl. Here she is walking around the room, sharing her news with her cousins.

Morgan has a lot of plans for this little girl-she wants to pick out her clothes, take her shopping, paint her nails, do her hair and makeup. She would like for them to having matching hair sometimes. (I did tell her that if the baby is like her, it will probably not have any hair for several years-but she said that was ok, she would wait.) She wants the baby to play barbies with her. Morgan is actually excited to share her room, we'll see how long that lasts.

Another interesting thing that Morgan has been doing is sticking dolls under her shirt and pretending she is pregnant-and it's not always only one baby-triplets are her favorite. Then after the "pregnancy" she has to take care of the babies and I get a lot of practice babysitting them. She also enjoys coming up with new names for her babies.

I know that she will be a great big sister!

Halloween pics-finally

I was having some problems downloading pictures but finally here are pictures of my kids from Halloween 2010.

Morgan is a fairy (costume created with dress up clothes that we all ready owned) and Koby was a nerd.

Thursday, November 4, 2010

Our baby

Yesterday we got to see our little baby girl. Yep, that's right, another girl!

Morgan has been going around with this little superior "I told you so!" attitude.

I was so relieved that everything was perfectly normal. I was so paranoid that something would go wrong. We did find out that she is a bit stubborn and doesn't like being told what to do-I think she will fit right in at our home. =) She was curled up right behind my belly button and she just wouldn't move, no matter what the ultra-stenographer did. But he was patient and we got to see everything we needed to know that she is developing perfectly!

Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Half way

Today I am 20 weeks pregnant! What a milestone-half way there!

Tomorrow we are scheduled for an ultrasound-I can't wait! I just want a licensed professional to tell me that my baby is perfect and developing just right. With this pregnancy I have been way more paranoid-I am claiming it is because of the miscarriage I had earlier this year and that it has nothing to do with me getting older and more like my grandmother-the habitual worrier.

We are also hoping to find out if the baby will be wearing pink or blue. I have been asked frequently if we are going to wait and be surprised-these people must not know me very well. I am the queen of planning ahead. As soon as I can know, I have to know. I have so much to do to get things ready for this little one.

I do have to say that seeing on the sidebar that I still have 140 more days to go is a little depressing. BUT, I am trying to be positive and remember that before I know it, this little baby will be here, and growing up just as fast as my other children.

Smart girl

The other day Morgan was complaining of a sore throat. I kept trying to get her to drink water or juice.

Out of the blue, she says, "It feels good when you swallow your pride."

I was kind of in awe-I mean how many 5 years would you hear say that?

Then I realized she meant that when she swallowed her spit it helped her throat feel better.